JMARS 5 Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

The JMARS tutorials are a nice way to watch and learn different techniques in JMARS. They cover the basics as well as some advanced skills.

The JMARS 5 videos will continue to be created. You can also reference JMARS 4 tutorials but some features may have changed.

Updated Tutorials Will continue to come!

Tutorial Description Date
JMARS 5 Updated Curious what the differences are from JMARS 4 to JMARS 5? Watch this tutorial to walk through the main changes. 2020-07-05
Website Tutorial Learn where to find important information, tutorials, resources and more. 2021-03-11
Info Panel Updates We've moved the info panel! Check out this short video to see the changes to the info panel. 2020-08-27
Login Page Check out the new Login window on JMARS5! You can now see announcements, reach our social media and go straight to the website from the login page. Visit our Facebook, Twitter and homepage today! 2019-07-24
Introduction to Layer Manager JMARS5 Introduction: Check out the new look and feel of the JMARS5 version. This video mainly goes over the layer manager. Learn all about layers as you add them to JMARS, the main view, the panner view, lon/lat coordinates and more! 2022-08-16
Introduction to Main Window This video focuses on the main interface of the JMARS5 version. Some featured topics go over the new look and feel of the main interface. 2022-08-22
Add a New Layer/Search Learn how to add a new layer to JMARS, search for maps and maps to your favorites list. 2020-05-22
Resize to View Full Surface Lat/Lon Learn how to resize the JMARS window to view the full surface of the body. You can resize the window to view 0 to 360 or -180 to 180. 2021-06-07
JMARS Toolbar The toolbar hosts many tools to help ease your experience. Learn all about these tools with this tutorial. 2022-08-26
Landmark Searching Wondering where you can find a specific landmark but don't know the location or the exact name? Learn how to use the new landmark search tool to find what you're looking for. 2021-06-06
Adding Contour Lines Learn how to add contour lines to numeric maps! 2022-05-02
3D Layer Check out the 3D Layer and learn how to see your data in 3D. 2022-04-26
3D Viewer Add maps and stamps to the 3D Viewer. In this tutorial you will learn how to use the 3D Viewer. 2022-10-13
Profile Lines Available for JMARS 5.2.0 and higher. We have new updates to the profile line tool! Check out all the cool changes! 2022-03-07
Demo: Profile Lines Watch Zoya go over the profile line from office hours. 2023-05-01
Adding Geologic Symbols to Shapes Available for JMARS 5.3.1 and higher. Learn how to add geologic fills to custom shapes! 2022-04-26
Demo: Fun with saving and loading JMARS sessions and Layers. Watch Paul go over saving and loading sessions and layers. 2023-03-31
Saving Sessions vs Saving Layers The difference between sessions and layers and how to save them. 2022-08-26
Demo: Tips and Tricks of the UI Watch Zoya go over the UI. 2023-03-20
Demo: Tables in JMARS Learn more about exporting, edits and change tables in JMARS from office hours. 2023-05-05
Demo: Going Places with bookmarks, landmarks and more Watch Zoya go over using bookmarsks, landmarks and more. 2023-03-24
Radial Profile Line in the Crater Layer Watch this video to learn how to draw multiple radial profile lines on a crater. 2023-02-24
Focus Panel: Settings The Focus Panel has new functionality! Learn all about the ability to add the M, P, 3D and Opacity settings to your focus panel 2020-11-15
Demo: Color Stretcher Learn how to use the color stretcher in this demo from office hours. 2023-04-14
Custom Map Manager Learn how to upload your own image into JMARS with the Custom Map Manager 2020-07-23
Sharing Custom Maps Sharing custom maps with other JMARS users. 2022-08-30
Office hours demo on the Custom Map Tool Some Tips and Tricks of the Custom Map Tool. 2023-03-22
Drawing Ellipses Draw an ellipse using your mouse instead of 5 point ellipses. This video shows you how easy it is to draw an ellipse in JMARS. 2024-03-17
Editing Ellipses Learn the many ways to edit an ellipse. Learn how to edit using the keys, mouse and feature table. 2024-03-23
Circular Ellipses Introduction to Circular Ellipses. This tutorial goes over what they are, why you might want them and how to draw them. 2024-03-23
Buffering Learn how to add buffers to polygons. 2023-03-21
Rectangles and Grids Learn how to draw rectangles and additional rectangles inside the main rectangle. 2022-03-07
Formula Field in the Custom Shape Layer Learn how to use the formula field to populate a new column in the custom shape layer. 2024-08-04
Formula Field in the Stamp Layer Create new columns in the stamp layer using formula fields to calculate the field 2024-08-04
Advanced Formula Field in the Stamp Layer Watch an example of an advanced formula executed in the stamp layer. 2024-09-22
High Resolution Export Learn about the high resolution export in this video. 2022-08-28
Pixel Export Want to Export Pixel Data? Learn how to export pixel data in an area of interest. 2023-03-23
JMARS Basics and Exploring Thermal Inertia A great tutorial by Cherlana Bridgewater, a student at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. This tutorial goes over downloading JMARS, opening JMARS, a few basics of what you see and how to draw a profile plot that shows thermal inertia data. 2021-05-07
How to Query Stamps How to query stamps with the new stamp dialog! 2020-05-21
Stamp Filters Add a filter to your loaded stamps to narrow down your results for easier viewing. 2022-08-26