Landmark Searching Tool

Learn how to use the landmark searching tool in JMARS.

Search for a landmark:

  1. Locate the Lon/Lat box: The lon/lat box is located in the top left hand corner, right above the mainview.

  2. The lon/lat box can be used to search for specific locations. Locate the magnifying glass to the left of the lon/lat box.

  3. Activate the landmark search tool: To activate the landmark search tool, click the magnifying glass. When the magnifying glass turns orange, it is activated and the lon/lat search is deactivate.

  4. Put the mouse over the search tab to see additional tooltips.

  5. Let's search for a landmark! Start typing "Olympus" so we can find "Olympus Mons".

  6. You'll see a list start to populate for possible finds. Click Olympus Mons.

  7. The mainview will relocate to Olympus Mons.

  8. Close out the search:To close out the current search, click the "x" next to the search. This will clear out the current search and open the list of all the landmarks.

  9. Tool tips/Info on landmark: Move the mouse over a landmark in the list to see additional information on the landmark.

  10. Deactivate the search tool and reactivate the lon/lat box: To deactivate the landmark search tool, click the magnifying glass. When the magnifying glass turns white, the landmark search tool is no longer active and the lon/lat box is reactivated.